Family Constellation

Make peace with your family to be at peace with yourself!

« Both psychological and material goods are transmitted from generation to generation. It is common to renounce a succession with a negative balance sheet or to refuse a material good whose specifications are too burdensome. However, the transmission of psychological traits or unconscious family « debts » is rarely questioned.

– François Paul Cavallier –

When to use the family constellation?

Do you feel out of place? Do you have exacerbated emotions towards your parents, spouse or supervisor?  Are your projects stagnating? Are you constantly worried about yourself or your children? Do you find it difficult to make decisions and when you do, do you sometimes feel guilty?

The aim of family constellations is to restore order in the family or professional system, to enable everyone to assume their responsibilities and to reintegrate their rightful place. Indeed, through words and movement, knots are unblocked and then unconscious mechanisms are revealed that exist in the relationship to the other or to oneself.

Constellation Familiale, Vous ne vous sentez pas à votre place ? Vous avez des émotions difficile ou bloquées ?

How does the family constellation work?

The family constellation is a systemic analysis tool initially designed to deal with known or suspected family difficulties linked to traumatic events badly experienced by the family (illness, premature death, hidden child, unmentionable situation, etc.). They can go back several generations. 

This work consists of representing a given situation in space in order to act on the family system to resolve certain difficulties relating to communication or behaviour. It is group work: one person brings a problem and the other participants can be chosen (with their agreement) to represent elements of the system. Often the representatives are brought, simply because of the role they play, to work on their own issues.

This practice is possible in small groups or individually, the aim remains the same: you are invited to share and space your internal, family, professional and emotional conflicts.

« To know a person, you have to know his or her genealogy over seven generations »

 – Chinese Proverb –

What is the purpose after the use of the family constellation?

The liberation of family ties

The family constellation aims at the liberation of our deepest being. To free ourselves from the burdens that weigh on us and our children, to no longer suffer from family secrets, to give back to our ancestors what belongs to them and to block our own fulfilment.

(Re)Becoming an actor in one’s own life

The acts we have done against our will, those we have not been able to carry out despite our efforts, our recurring failures, our difficulties with our relatives or colleagues (see company constellation) are often linked to one of our ancestors and an unconscious desire to reproduce part of his life. The family constellation allows the transformation of this link so that everything finds its right place and gives us the power to become actors in our own lives.

Quelle finalité après l'usage de la constellation familiale ?

« While I was working on my family tree, I understood the strange community of destiny that links me to my ancestors. I feel very strongly that I am under the influence of things or problems that were left incomplete or unanswered by my parents, grandparents and other ancestors. It often seems that in a family there is an impersonal karma that is transmitted from parents to children […] Psychotherapy has not yet taken this circumstance into account enough. »

C. G. Jung , extrait from « My life, memories, dreams and thoughts »

This therapy can be carried out online or in person, depending on your availability.